We all remember the song of 10 little monkeys jumping on the bed....this is why I just love sock monkey!!! Trivia question of the day is "can you name the company that manufactures this licensed brand". Be the first to call or post on facebook the correct and receive a $5.00 gift certificate. Have Fun!!! 34U...Tina
Monday, October 22, 2012
What a busy weekend we had...helping with traffic control at the Springville Apple Festival. Today concluding with my daughter Misha's last team tournament in Taft. We are so proud of all the girls who played this year. They will go down in history to be the first to win their league championship EYL also to win their division title! Great job girls!!! Next we are off to Hanford for the "Individual Valley Tournament". I am looking forward to watch Misha and Alley play !!! 34U...Tina
When this picture was taken it was at our last "Friday Night Sew". Be the first to correctly identify the person in this picture, and win a $5.00 gift certificate to the store. Give us a call at 559-782-3100 or post on our facebook page. Good Luck 34U...Tina
We had so much fun with the answers we received from last week we decided to use this sewing machine foot for our trivia question this week. Can you name this foot? Be the first to post on facebook or give us a call here at the store